August 27-30, 2018 Deputy Director of ISCRAN, Doctor of Economics V.B. Supyan took part in the VI International Forum of Technological Development “Technoprom-2018” in Novosibirsk

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August 27-30, 2018 Deputy Director of ISCRAN, Doctor of Economics V.B. Supyan took part in the VI International Forum of Technological Development “Technoprom-2018” in Novosibirsk. This year the Forum was called “Science as an industry”, which predetermined the conceptual content of various formats of its work – the interaction of science and industry, promoting technological leadership of the Russian economy through the development and accelerated introduction of high-tech “intelligent” technologies in traditional industries and industry development 4.0. The high significance of the holding of “Technoprom” noted the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin speaking at the plenary session “Science as an industry. Agenda 2024 “.
The forum was attended by 7,840 people from 19 countries, representatives of 2,882 Russian and foreign organizations.
V. B. Supyan, Deputy Director of ISCRAN, made a presentation “Science is a key factor in the development of the US economy in the 21st century” at the symposium “Science as a driver of change: fundamental, applied and educational”.