On September 18, Viktor Aleksandrovich Kremenyuk, a famous Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a talented specialist in international relations, passed away on the 77th year. Viktor Alexandrovich Kremenyuk

(December 13, 1940 – September 18, 2017)
On September 18, Viktor Aleksandrovich Kremenyuk, a famous Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a talented specialist in international relations, a vivid representative of Russian American studies, a teacher and organizer of science, passed away on the 77th year.
As a scientist, V.A. Kremenyuk was formed under the influence of the school of American studies, created by academician GA. Arbatov at the Institute of the USA and Canada, where he moved to work in August 1970. With VA. Kremenyuk is associated with the emergence in the 1970s of a new trend in the Russian science of international relations, a characteristic feature of which was the rejection of obsolete, dogmatic views on a number of key international policy issues, Soviet-American, and then Russian-American relations. V.A. Kremenyuk was a kind of pioneer in modern political science, becoming in 1990 the first professor in this field in the USSR and Russia.
For years of work in ISKRAN VA. Kremenyuk became one of the largest domestic specialists in the field of modern international relations and entered the selected circle of leading international conflict expert experts. Published in the United States in English under his editorial work on the theory and methodology of conflict analysis “International Negotiations” (1997, 2002), “International negotiations on economics” (1992), “Nuclear Security Negotiations” (1993) and “Conflicts in the Russia and around it “(1994) have international significance. All creative activity and life of VA. Kremenyuk is connected with ISCRAN. While working at the United States and Canada Institute, he defended his doctoral dissertation (1980), he was awarded the academic title of professor (1987), he was elected a corresponding member of the RAS (2011). At Iskran, he prepared his first individual monograph, “US Policy in Developing Countries. Problems of conflict situations. 1945-1976 “(1977) and the last one -” Lessons of the Cold War “(2015).
Devotion to Russian science, enormous capacity for work and organization allowed him to prepare and publish more than 30 scientific works in just half a century of creative activity, including 11 individual monographs published in foreign languages ​​abroad. In general, the bibliography of his scientific works includes more than 300 titles with a total volume of over 300 author’s sheets.
The scientific work of VA. Kremenyuk for more than a quarter of a century combined with great administrative work, being deputy director for scientific work, and since 2000 also head of the department of world politics and international relations of the Faculty of World Politics of the State Academic University for the Humanities, established on the basis of ISKRAN.
In 1980, V.A. Kremenyuk with a group of scientists was awarded the State Prize of the USSR in the field of science and technology for the development of analytical materials on international conflicts in the developing world. In 2002, he received the first prize of the Institute for Conflict Resolution in New York for the monograph “International Negotiations” published in English. In 2005 he was awarded the EMERCOM of the Russian Federation for his collective work “Strategic Risks of Russia”.
In 2007, Victor Alexandrovich was recognized by the decision of the International Biographical Center (Cambridge, Great Britain) as one of the 2,000 outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century for outstanding contributions in the field of education and public administration.
A special page of scientific and social activity Kremenyuk is a research, teaching and lecturing work abroad, where he represented Russia, Russian science and ISCRAN with honor and dignity.
Colleagues highly appreciated scientific, pedagogical, and also human qualities, such as justice, responsiveness, sincere generosity and kindness.
The staff of the Institute of the USA and Canada expresses condolences to the relatives and friends of Viktor Aleksandrovich Kremenyuk, a talented scientist, a man who has proved his devotion to Russia, Russian science and ISCRAN.

The Institute of the USA and Canada receives letters of condolences from the Russian and foreign colleagues of Viktor Alexandrovich:

1. From the Department of Global Problems and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2. From the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Federation Council.

3. From the Center for Studies of Russia and Central Asia Academy of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

4. From the Russian Customs Academy of the Federal Customs Service.