The Federal State Institution of Science The Institute of the United States of America and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISCRAN) announces a competition for filling vacancies from 10.08.2017

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of the United States of America and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISCRAN)
announces a competition for the replacement:
19 vacant posts.
Persons who meet the Qualification Characteristics for the positions of scientific workers of scientific institutions subordinate to the Russian Academy of Sciences may participate in the competition (Appendix to the Decree of the Presidium of the RAS of March 25, 2008 No. 196, available on the website of the Russian Academy of Sciences
For more details, see the website of ISKRAN:
Declared job contests
Telephones for information: (495) 691-20-52, (495) 691-20-65. E-mail: